

Photography by Bostyn Ashjian

Black. My color. I used to have a closet full of the brightest colors I could find but as I have gotten older I have gradually faded to the dark side. Now my closet is mainly a rack of timeless, black pieces like this impeccable Theory blazer. We shot these images yesterday and I am very happy with the results. Wanted to share these two with you and get your opinions! 

How much black is in your closet? 

Ben Green


  1. I barely have any black in my closet.

    1. That's cool too! Sometimes I crave having a colorful closet ... just not very often. HAHA.

      Ben Green

  2. I love to dress in black especially since i dyed my hair blonde. Black clothes, blonde hair and white skin fit very well, makes me feel very elegant. I choose black especially in the winter time.

    You look so gorgeous in this pictures, I can't take my eyes off you.

    P.S. Thank you for noticing me! I will always be there, support you, help you if you need and love you unconditionally exactly for who you are.
    I’m so happy that you write on the blog so often. Please stay in touch with us!

    1. Hey Ana!

      Thank you for your comment! That is actually my favorite look of all time! If I could be white-blonde I would totally go for it. Love your style.

      Thank you so much for your continual support!

      Ben Green

  3. Im the same way. I use too love bright colors but know that I'm turning into an grown up. I'm loving my naturals in my closet and makeup

    1. Neutrals are so much more versatile and I also feel like it saves our wallet! We can mix and match more.

      Thank you for your comment!

      Ben Green

  4. Ah! I'm loving these daily posts! I find myself coming back here every couple hours to check for new posts... weird, I know, but I can't help it! It's so fascinating and odd-- I love!

    And you know what, it's funny you posted this because I was recently discussing this topic with my friends. if I were to look at myself freshman year, I probably would throw up. I constantly coordinated every color I wore with some sort of accessory, sweaters, etc. And now I find myself wearing a lot of blacks, grays, and browns. If I were to wear color it'd usually be like a maroon or a navy color.

    To be honest, I don't know why either... I think it's because it makes us stand out, by wearing black. It doesn't make sense, but it is how it is. When we wear dark lips and dark clothes, there is this sensation of bad-assery and "don't mess with me", but still has this chic aura to it-- some sort of professionalism. It efficaciously boosts up your confidence, that's for sure! #BadBitchesUniteMuhfucker

    I love love love it! And I appreciate you replying to my previous comments, I really do! I'm glad that on this website we get to know each other more, rather than less than 140 characters on twitter, or random comments on IG. It's nice! Keep up the great work!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Actually almost every outfit I wear has some type of black piece to it. My nails are ALWAYS black with whatever random nail color I decide to paint my ring fingers. It just seems to have a classy look while still giving a young, reckless, runaway spirit look

    1. Perfect description of dark side ;) I totally agree with you. And I find myself with black nails very often too!

      We speak the same language.

      Ben Green

  7. I have actually been using more bright clothes now in the last year then what I used to do before, but both my drawer and closet is kind of full with black clothes. It fits to everything and looks good.
    I love black clothes <3

    1. It is awesome that you have color now too! Since black does go with everything, I'm sure you could have so much fun playing with different bright accent pieces!

      Thank you for your comment!

      Ben Green

  8. HI BEN !!!! I adore you im so sad your not doing youtube anymore :( anyway i was wondering what you would think of my blog could you please check it out and tell me what you think :) http://colouredlips.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. Thank you for stopping by!

      Your blog has such wonderful content! Love the minimalism post, and I appreciate your positive outlook on life.

      Thank you!

      Ben Green

  9. I'm coming here everyday...checking :D

  10. I love your style !
    Come to Canada so we can do a shoot together :)

  11. Lol was going to read through the comments to see if anyone said this already but there is so many of them! =) I love this post, it speaks to me, but your blazer looks like it is attached to your shirt and to be honest I am not sure if that was what you were going for. It needs contrast, I would have liked to see a "wannabe black" shade of gray just so I could see what you have on. But At the same time, this is a very high fashion looking photograph and I definitely like that essence you have flooding through this photo.
