

Here is sunny Las Vegas, I can't go outside without sunglasses on unless I want to already be looking for good Botox doctors in my area. We haven't hit the peak of summer of course, but it is still in the 90 degree zone here and with that comes so much sun.

I have always said that the number one anti aging tip is to wear sunglasses. If they are any good, they protect your eyes from harsh rays and they keep you from squinting (premature wrinkles). Alright, I will stop talking like a 2am paid-per-view salesman.

I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite pairs of sunglasses. Check your local thrift stores! They always have great, unique bits in the UV eyewear department.

(Ranging from Top to Bottom)

First Column: Buffalo Exchange, Urban Outfitters, Buffalo Exchange

Second Column: Urban Outfitters (similar here), Buffalo Exchange (similar here), Buffalo Exchange

Happy summer!

Ben Green


  1. I posted a pic of those white glasses on my Instagram because they made me think of u. Dedicated it to u my beauty guru Ben. hahaha not sure you saw it. Great blog hun! Love Mzrude13 (nicki)

  2. Hey! You are so inspiring! I just bought those 5th ones, love em! Keep going Ben, you're absolutely amazing! :)

  3. I like this, most motivating... you will be doing more right
